Skyrim traps are dangerous
Skyrim traps are dangerous

skyrim traps are dangerous

Beyond the skeleton trophy, two Falmers will drop from holes to attack you. Go up another rocky ramp and walk past the bridge.There is a trap that will be activated upon the opening of the chest, so be careful. Head up the rocky ramp and enter another large cavern with a Falmer and a chest in the center.Try not to let the Falmers group together, as their combined attacks can crush you and your party pretty fast.For the low to mid-level players, two sneak archery attacks in quick succession will take care of the Falmers, one at a time.Sure enough, there are about three Falmers in this area, including a Falmer Sorcerer. This area is dark and good for sneaking around, but you will get the sense that you must overcome lots of Falmers to get through the area. The first signs that you must fight to survive Darkfall Passage (rather than ease through this dungeon area) come in the form of a large cavern with a small ramp and an area filled with tents.

Skyrim traps are dangerous